Moving house: a special family photoshoot in South East London - Marion & You Photography: Family and baby photographer in London
Relaxed photography for loving families


Marion & You Photography specialises in family photography including children, newborn, baby and maternity photography in the London area. On this blog, you will find stories of families I've met, inspiration for family days out and my thoughts as a mum photographer. 

Moving house: a special family photoshoot in South East London

Leaving a home full of family memories

As a family, moving away from the area you have raised your children until now can be emotional. That’s why this lovely family of five in Beckenham, Bromley, decided to celebrate the end of their family life in this London suburb with a family photoshoot at home before moving to neighbouring Kent.

Family of five tickling each other on a sofa

I met them on a casual Saturday, just a few weeks before their big move. With three children aged 8 to 2, there were lots of activities throughout the morning with a mix of calm and playful moments. Nothing was forced and I simply followed the flow of the children and their mood.

Father and son playing the piano while other son hides behind the sofa

Everyone was keen to show their skills from playing the piano, playing hide and seek and drawing Mummy’s hand.

Mother drawing around her toddler daughter’s hand
Toddler drawing around her mum’s hand

There is a great complicity between siblings that is shared despite the age gap.

Son with his head on this mother’s lap, eyes closed
Boy smiling with head under floor lamp

Toddlers often get a lot of attention with their bubbly personality, being constantly on the move and often copying their older siblings, which is completely normal at this age. For me, as a photographer, this makes very entertaining photos that I love to create for each family I work with.

Boy and little sister playing cars on the carpet at home

Playing and eating are the main components of a toddler’s life as you can see. Unsurprisingly, there was no more raisins left for her daddy.

Mother and little girl kissing at home

Without forcing it in any way, this family displayed so many moments of their everyday affection, patience and playfulness.

Two young brothers playing the piano

When your parents ask you “who likes doughnuts?” (see left photo) and “who likes brocoli?” (see right photo). No surprise here but this is still fun to capture.


A sweet moment of mimicking Mummy before watering the (invisible) plants in the garden.

Little girl watering her garden with a plastic watering can

In between the rain drops, this little one was chuffed to practice her trampoline skills.


In just two hours, this family had done so much on this autumnal Saturday morning and yet, they hadn’t done anything out of their ordinary. It was simply them being together at home on a rainy day, enjoying each other’s presence and grasping the last days in their family home full of precious memories.

They have now received a photo album with their photos from this session so they can all look at it together and remember all the good times they had in their old house. That’s the power of photography!

If you are keen to capture memories in your family home, I’d love to help you in doing so. Just drop me a line at or fill in the form here to book your family photoshoot or ask me questions.


Marion & You Photography is a photographer in South London specialising in family, newborn and baby photography.

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